在我们相互联系的世界里, 货物在哪里转移, 服务, 人力资本发挥着至关重要的作用, 很明显,没有一个国家能够自给自足. By 2030, 全球消费预计将达到106万亿美元, 新兴经济体占了这一需求的60%.

尼日利亚拥有2亿多人口,是非洲最大的乐博彩票官方app. 这个国家不断壮大的中产阶级和他们不断增加的消费支出, 随着其对进口的依赖和积极的贸易前景, 使其成为有吸引力的进口目的地. 然而,这些机遇也伴随着各种挑战. 大量的进口, 港口活动集中, 基础设施不足,如糟糕的道路网络,导致港口拥堵, 和 delays in goods clearance pose significant barriers to smooth importation into the region. 此外, 旨在管理贸易情景的政府政策的动态性质, 比如平衡贸易和实现经济目标, 这些挑战进一步复杂化.

The key challenge lies in how to effectively navigate the risks 和 downsides associated with rapidly evolving l和scapes, to effectively harness the benefits identified from exports to developing markets such as Nigeria.

成功地将尼日利亚和其他新兴乐博彩票官方app作为进出口目的地, 我强烈推荐以下三个成功要素:

  • 了解重要的法律,否则就会被抛在后面

Businesses have long grappled with the challenges posed by rapidly evolving policy environments. 尼日利亚进口 & Export related regulatory framework is characterised by its dynamic 和 comprehensive nature. 首先, there are several governing agencies with policies that can sometime overlap or contradict each other, 尤其是在时间轴上. 尼日利亚海关 监管进出口的当局是通过多种法规来控制的吗, 包括定期更新禁止进口清单. Other governmental agencies such as the Ministry of Finance 和 Central Bank formulate policies on taxation 和 tariffs, 获取外汇等.,补充海关规定的程序.

The country's shifting regulations 和 strategies primarily focus on either restricting or encouraging imports, 取决于与贸易平衡有关的目标, 本地生产推广, 或者减少贸易赤字. 为了应对尼日利亚贸易平衡的形势变化, 这些不同的组织可以定期改变它们的政策. 有时与其他现行法规或政策不一致.

来驾驭这复杂的景观, companies are advised to identify the key organisations that impacts their specific products in terms of importation or exportation (such as customs, 金融及专业团体). They should stay updated on any changes made 和 ensure compliance with the revised regulations. 为了避免癫痫发作等后果,必须遵守规定, 高昂的罚款, 或者海关延误造成的滞期费. 所有这些都会对公司的财务业绩产生重大影响.  

  • 有效动员价值链中的利益相关者是前进的方向

了解乐博彩票官方app规则无疑是至关重要的, but the key to building superior operational capabilities for importation is through effective stakeholder mobilisation, 为了避免做出不知情的决定.  As companies aim to strengthen their efforts to build market position through expansion channels like exportation, 积极主动的利益相关者参与价值链-海关, 零售商, 当地的制造商, freight forwarders 和 custom brokers – becomes a differentiating factor between ‘had-I-known,和“双赢”方案. Companies must underst和 the specialisation of each player in the value chain to maximise their network for effective support. 例如, a clearing agent might have a stronger relationship with the Customs authorities compared to a retailer although both might be acquainted across the Customs networks.

同时, 利益相关者的声誉 必须考虑涉及的问题. 企业经营年限等因素, client portfolio 和 value offerings have proven can serve as reliable benchmarks when evaluating stakeholders. Conducting due diligence remains essential 和 should never be overlooked when making export-related decisions.

When sourcing for stakeholders or partners in the region, it is advisable to segment them based on 他们的专业知识 而不是依赖于一般化的玩家. 通用服务提供商可能缺乏某些行业的具体见解或趋势. 例如,一般商品物流公司可能无法提供

Viewing stakeholder engagement with a clear-eyed perspective goes beyond risk management; it serves as an effective strategy that supports reimagining possibilities instead of retreating from global expansions.

  • 计划,但要准备好灵活的出口策略

决定导出是一回事,但成功执行导出是另一回事. 尼日利亚迅速变化的景观, 以不稳定的规章制度和重大的经济变化为特征的, proposes that your organisation’s plug 和 play exportation model which proven effective in other markets might not be directly applicable here.

公司必须从整体上 评估当地乐博彩票官方app情况,评估可行性动态 定义它们的实现选项. 可能有必要专门针对尼日利亚调整你的出口战略. 例如, a policy of exporting fully assembled products to other countries might require the decoupling of those products before exporting them to Nigeria.  

虽然协调制度(HS)代码基本上保持不变,但人们可能需要改变 验证 与您的产品提供相对应的所有代码是否在该地区被允许. 此验证过程在定义您的产品出口组合时至关重要.

动态策略 考虑到成功的各种障碍,并不是一成不变的. 它涉及到不断的改进和解决问题, acknowledging that b和-aid solutions that merely address surface-level issues are insufficient. 相反,重点应该放在解决问题的根源上.


处理复杂的业务制度需要 对价值链的全面了解,以及价值链演变的时间表 可能的未来情景.  依赖进口的意愿和速度正处于全球历史最高水平, 尼日利亚处于有利位置,利益相关者可以利用它的潜力.

Businesses that remain attentive to the operational dynamics of imports 和 exports in the region can assess the strategic implications of policy shifts 和 trade rules. 通过这样做, 他们可以识别机会,以最小化风险和最大化价值, making informed decisions while navigating importation challenges in Nigeria 和 emerging markets. Adopting a ‘let’s see how it goes’ approach will not yield to an advantageous position for organisations 和 stakeholders.

Business 乐博彩票官方app assists businesses in navigating complex business environments 和 to analyse the requirements of local customs for importing 和 exporting goods. 乐博彩票官方app,了解我们如何为您提供最好的帮助.


Business 乐博彩票官方app can act as support to Swedish investors to identify 和 implement a defined set of proactive steps aimed at shortening their time to market, 通过利用我们的关键能力,寻找新的收入来源并将风险降至最低:

▪ 乐博彩票官方app的扩张 (Market entry strategies based on market 和 competitor analysis, product & 客户组合,销售渠道建立,M&A和联盟,全球足迹)

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